April 20, 2020 Weekly Security News Roundup: IoT Botnet Assembled by New Mozi Malware Family 3 min read - Researchers revealed that a new malware family called Mozi is in the process of building an IoT botnet. Read on to learn what else happened last week in security news.
CISO April 17, 2020 COVID-19’s Remote Workforce: Protect Your Rapidly Growing Attack Surface 3 min read - With elevated endpoint risk and the need to respond rapidly to cybersecurity incidents, a managed detection and response (MDR) team can deploy quickly to virtually supplement your security teams.
April 15, 2020 APT41 Distributing Speculoos Backdoor in New Attack Campaign 2 min read - Security researchers discovered an attack campaign in which APT41 distributed the Speculoos backdoor by exploiting CVE-2019-19781.
Advanced Threats April 14, 2020 TA505 Continues to Infect Networks With SDBbot RAT 7 min read - IBM X-Force IRIS recently identified attacks likely linked to Hive0065, also known as TA505, which spread the SDBbot remote-access Trojan (RAT) alongside other custom malware.
Malware April 13, 2020 Grandoreiro Malware Now Targeting Banks in Spain 6 min read - A familiar malware threat called Grandoreiro, a remote-overlay banking Trojan that typically affects bank customers in Brazil, has spread to attack banks in Spain.
April 13, 2020 Weekly Security News Roundup: Dark_Nexus Vies for Supremacy on Compromised Machines 3 min read - A new IoT botnet called "dark_nexus" drew researchers' attention to its efforts to establish and maintain dominance on a compromised machine. Learn what else happened last week in security news.
April 8, 2020 Mshta Replaces PowerShell in New Ursnif Campaign 2 min read - Security researchers observed that a new attack campaign replaced PowerShell with mshta as a means to distribute Ursnif malware.
April 7, 2020 Emotet Brings Down Entire Corporate Network by Overheating Computers 2 min read - Emotet brought down the entire network of a targeted organization by overheating all of its connected computers.
April 7, 2020 Kinsing Malware Hits Container API Ports With Thousands of Attacks per Day 2 min read - A misconfigured API port led to a months-long campaign in which cybercriminals have been launching daily Kinsing malware attacks that number in the thousands, according to security researchers.
April 6, 2020 Weekly Security News Roundup: MS-SQL Servers Targeted by ‘Vollgar’ Campaign 2 min read - Researchers uncovered an attack campaign that spent the past two years targeting Windows machines running MS-SQL servers. Read on to learn what else happened last week in security news.