November 20, 2018 TA505 Threat Group Distributes Previously Undocumented tRat Remote Access Trojan < 1 min read - Researchers observed the TA505 threat group spreading a previously undocumented remote access Trojan (RAT) called tRaT.
November 15, 2018 Threat Actors Exploit Equation Editor to Distribute Hawkeye Keylogger 2 min read - A recent Hawkeye keylogger campaign leveraged an old Microsoft Office Equation Editor vulnerability to steal user credentials, passwords and clipboard content.
November 8, 2018 Ransomware-as-a-Service Program Offers Affiliates Up to 75 Percent of Revenue to Spread Infection 2 min read - A ransomware-as-a-service program called FilesLocker offers affiliates commissions of up to 75 percent on all revenue stolen from victims.
November 7, 2018 NARWHAL SPIDER Uses Steganography to Deliver URLZone Malware in Cutwail Spam Campaign 2 min read - A new Cutwail spam campaign is leveraging steganography — hiding data within images — to compromise devices and download URLZone.
November 5, 2018 Threat Actors Combine Windows Utilities in Malware Campaign Targeting Users in Brazil 2 min read - Researchers observed threat actors impersonating the Brazilian postal service in a malware campaign that combines legitimate Windows files such as WMI and CertUtil to steal banking data.
November 1, 2018 Lock and sLoad: PowerShell Malware Downloader Geofences Attacks for Maximum Impact 2 min read - A PowerShell malware downloader known as sLoad uses geofencing, customized emails and device reconnaissance to identify high-value Trojan targets.
November 1, 2018 30,000 Android Users Infected With Banking Malware From 29 Bogus Apps 2 min read - Nearly 30,000 Android users accidentally downloaded banking malware after filling out phishing forms that were personalized based on the apps they use.
October 30, 2018 Cybercriminals Distribute TimpDoor Malware to Turn Android Devices Into Network Proxies 2 min read - The TimpDoor malware family enables cybercriminals to turn infected Android devices into network proxies without users' knowledge.
Application Security October 30, 2018 How SEO Poisoning Campaigns Are Mounting a Comeback 3 min read - SEO poisoning is on the rise again. How do threat actors use search engine results to drive victims to malicious sites, and what can users do to protect themselves?
October 29, 2018 Chalubo Bot Family Launches Distributed Denial-of-Service Attacks Against Linux Systems 2 min read - Researchers discovered a family of bots dubbed Chalubo launching distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks to brute-force Linux-based systems running internet-facing SSH servers.