Intelligence & Analytics August 11, 2015 Hitting the Cyber Skills Shortage Head On 3 min read - IBM and the University of Warwick have teamed up to help solve the cyber skills shortage by providing education and opportunities to students.
Intelligence & Analytics July 30, 2015 To Better Fight Attackers, Get Women in Security and Close the Gender Gap 2 min read - Recruiting and encouraging more women in security will fill a growing talent gap and provide more diverse skills to fight against ever-growing threats.
Data Protection June 29, 2015 FUD or Fact: The Role of News Media in Security 3 min read - A session at the InfoSec Europe conference focused on how the news media covers cybersecurity-related stories and what you can do to change the narrative.
CISO November 20, 2014 Where Will the Next Generation of Security Professionals Come From? 3 min read - There are a lack of students joining the security profession and with an increase in vullnerabilities, threats and attacks, what will happen?
CISO October 13, 2014 Six Reasons Why Every Student Should Consider a Career in Cybersecurity 3 min read - The following are six reasons that the vocational advice for young professionals today should be, "Consider a career in cybersecurity."